“關注未來藝術英才”入圍展“Focus on Talents” Finalists Exhibition 開幕:5月6日展期:5月7日-5月18日地點:2號館2層 Opening Ceremony: May 6Duration: May 7- May 18Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 2 2011 年5 月7 日至5 月18 日“關注未來藝術英才”入圍展將于今日美術館2 號館2 層展出。屆時將展出10 位入圍藝術家的作品, 這些作品包含了裝置、油畫、
“Focus on Talents” Finalists Exhibition
Opening Ceremony: May 6
Duration: May 7- May 18
Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 2
2011 年5 月7 日至5 月18 日“關注未來藝術英才”入圍展將于今日美術館2 號館2 層展出。屆時將展出10 位入圍藝術家的作品, 這些作品包含了裝置、油畫、攝影等多種藝術形式,展現(xiàn)了年輕一代獨特的藝術審美和全新理念。10 位入圍藝術家分別為:常羽辰、范凌、黃燕、黎薇、陸揚、馬秋莎、田曉磊、葉楠、應歆珣、于瀛( 按拼音排序)?!瓣P注未來藝術英才”為2010 年7 月今日美術館攜手馬爹利藝術基金共同推出的公益藝術計劃。從該項目啟動到作品征集結束, 組委會共收到來自全國各地自薦藝術家及推薦委員推薦的共二百余位藝術家遞交的作品。在經過專業(yè)的推薦評選委員評選后,共有十位年輕藝術家入圍。
最終第一名獲獎藝術家也將在5 月展覽開幕同期公布。
“FOCUS ON TALENTS” FINALISTS EXHIBTION will show at 2F,Building No.2, Today Art Museum, during May 7 – May 18, 2011.Including installations, oil paintings, photographs and other art forms,
the works of 10 finalists will be displayed, which will demonstrate the younger generation’s unique aesthetics and new concepts. The 10 finalists are Chang Yuchen, Fan Ling, Huang Yan, Li Wei, Lu Yang, Ma Qiusha, Tian Xiaolei, Ye Nan, Ying Xinxun, and Yu Ying (in alphabetical order).The “FOCUS ON TALENTS” is a public non-profit art program jointly launched by Today Art Museum and Martell Art Fund in July 2010. The organizing committee has received a great number of works from over
200 artists throughout the country, which were recommended both by the recommendation committee and artists themselves. After being selected by professional jury members, there are ten young artists on the shortlist. And the winner will be announced at the exhibition opening in May.
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